Saturday, December 10, 2011

Statement of Purpose

        Michelle de Motaigne, in an introduction to his famous philosophical essays wrote: "I myself am the subject of my book: it is not reasonable that you should employ your leisure on a topic so frivolous and so vain".
My time is too precious to simply write this blog for the purposes for ranting, cathartic though it may be.  I expect my readers to be equally non-frivolous. What is the purpose of this blog then?

Several years ago, I have noticed that I have ability to follow the signs of historical events to their logical conclusion. It may be the fact that I having been born in Soviet Russia, I learned political skepticism at a tender young age, or that my grandfather was a historian, and I was interested in history. I read three biographies of Bonaparte alone. I don't think I'm endowed with any special gifts in this field, besides a strong passionate interest.

If the drivel which passes for discourse in the lame-stream media is any indication, this combination of interest with common sense is apparently a rarity. It is only after overcoming my own fundamental skepticism of correctness of my ideas, and the presumption inherent in publicizing them that I say what the purpose of this website is:

The purpose of this website it to discuss basic trends of Western society and expose its fundamental lies as a first step towards addressing some of its potentially fatal pathologies.

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